Altrincham Primary School come over as we explore all the different ways Christians can pray: And it turns out, there are lots!
Yesterday was a hive of activity as we got ready for our first every Prayer Spaces – various post it notes, water, plasters, flowers, sand, chalk, luggage labels, ropes … the list was endless!
So it was wonderful to welcome Altrincham Primary School to church today as, in the midst of Thy Kingdom Come, we explored all the different ways Christians prayed – for ourselves, our local community, and our world.
Each year group came in at different points during the day. We started off thinking about what prayer was, and then set off to explore all the prayer stations – about 16 in total! One boy described it as like ‘one huge treasure hunt’!
Then we all came back together and chose which 3 or 4 we thought resonated the best. We then spent the rest of the time thoughtfully & creatively engaging with each station with some stunning results! It was lovely in the plenaries hearing the pupils all talk about which one they had found the most useful – it was great that different stations had appealed to different people.
The pupils were incredible – usually, they come in for an end of term service where the excitement levels are high, or just as a single class looking at something specific like our stained glass windows. So we were so impressed that they were able to engage so calmly and thoughtfully in this setting. Many prayers were deeply touching, and have also inspired us to pray as well; so thank you for coming and contributing your prayers and thoughts to the life and work of the church!