School Admissions; Faith Criteria
We are aware that choosing a new school can be stressful, and that some school admissions have a faith criteria. Read on to find out more information.Over the years, we have been delighted to support a number of our children who have applied to a Church School, of which Altrincham Primary School is one of them.
Here, at St George’s we also want to be seen to be fair and just for all in the way it is done.
With this in mind, we have put together a leaflet which outlines the criteria and the procedures for applying for a place in the school.
If you are thinking of applying for a place for your child at Altrincham Primary School, or any other school where there is faith criteria, please pick up a form from the table in the South Porch, keep the record of your church attendance and talk to Reverend Claire Corley about it in due course.
Please do be aware that some church schools, particularly those oversubscribed, do ask for verification of your child’s regular attendance over the previous TWO YEARS, and many also ask us to indicate the extent to which the family is at the ‘heart’ of the congregation or simply ‘attends’ or is ‘attached’.
We’re aware that applying for school places can be very daunting – so if it helps, please do get in touch if it would help to talk about it further.

A month of hospitality!
Thanks to the ever-talented Miss Stevens, each class in Altrincham CE Primary School have had a Posada which is spending Advent travelling from house to house. It’s the first time that we’ve done this, and it has created a lovely buzz of excitement as the children...

Christmas Fair Festivities!
Full of food, gifts, games and some fabulous live music all within our wonderful church! Months of planning had gone into this community event, and it didn’t disappoint! It was a real privilege to join with the deeply impressive PTA of Altrincham Primary School as we...

Harvest vibes fill the church!
It was a wonderful few days of Harvest Fun here at St George's! Friday began with our School Services. We started off at 8am collecting all the generous donations, and then welcome EYFS and Happy Kids Nursery into church to think about what food goes into a Pumpkin...

Dee is soon to join us as our new Children & Families Lead!
We are beyond excited to be soon welcoming Dee Owen as our new Children & Families Lead! Over Covid, we found that many of our young families and children struggled to connect online, and the absence of their chatter and presence in church has been keenly felt -...

Music is in the air: Our New Organist & Musical Director!
After a long search, we are delighted to be able to announce that Russell Medley is to be our new Organist and Musical Director. We met Russell by chance; Russell is the Director of Sale Choral Society, and he came to play a funeral of a much loved member. He and Rev....

Adventures in prayer….
Altrincham Primary School come over as we explore all the different ways Christians can pray: And it turns out, there are lots! Yesterday was a hive of activity as we got ready for our first every Prayer Spaces - various post it notes, water, plasters, flowers, sand,...

Confirmation Celebrations!
The sun was glorious, the confirmation candidates were excited, and the bishop turned up on a motorbike! It was the perfect day for our Confirmations this year, and what a wonderful service it was! The church was full of family and friends of those getting confirmed...

Some exciting plans are being enacted!
Last night we had our PCC meeting - it's a bit like a governors meeting for a school, but it's where we keep an eye on what is going on, and steer what we do strategically as a church. There is often a feeling that such meetings can be boring, but yesterday...

Easter Service 2023: There was a lot of chocolate about…
It was wonderful to welcome KS1 and KS2 into church today as we brought the Easter term to a close. The pupils did the readings beautifully - so confident and clear, and in front of such a huge audience too! Then the Year 3s did the prayers, and again, they were...

Easter Bonnet Parade: There were some amazing hats!
So as is the tradition at Altrincham CE School, in the week before the Easter Holidays pupils and parents are busily preparing some Easter Bonnets ready to parade them around John Leigh Park in aid of Marie Curie. And what a great year it turned out to be! There were...
St George's Parish Church
Church Street
Greater Manchester
WA14 4DB
0161 941 4037